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Differenze tra le versioni di "Template:Citation/core"

(moving non-periodical titles url link inside quotes, per request; revert if needed)
m (1 revisioni importate)
(Nessuna differenza)

Revisione 07:30, 8 Lug 2009


    |[[{{{Authorlink1}}} |{{{Surname1}}}{{
       |, {{{Given1}}}
       |, {{{Given1}}}
       |{{#if:| & |; }}
       |[[{{{Authorlink2}}} |{{{Surname2}}}{{
          |, {{{Given2}}}
          |, {{{Given2}}}
          |{{#if:| & |; }}
          |[[{{{Authorlink3}}} |{{{Surname3}}}{{
             |, {{{Given3}}}
             |, {{{Given3}}}
             |{{#if:| & |; }}
             |[[{{{Authorlink4}}} |{{{Surname4}}}{{
                |, {{{Given4}}}
                |, {{{Given4}}}
                |{{#if:| & |; }}
                |[[{{{Authorlink5}}} |{{{Surname5}}}{{
                   |, {{{Given5}}}
                   |, {{{Given5}}}
                   |{{#if:| & |; }}
                   |[[{{{Authorlink6}}} |{{{Surname6}}}{{
                      |, {{{Given6}}}
                      |, {{{Given6}}}
                      |{{#if:| & |; }}
                      |[[{{{Authorlink7}}} |{{{Surname7}}}{{
                         |, {{{Given7}}}
                         |, {{{Given7}}}
                         |{{#if:| & |; }}
                         |[[{{{Authorlink8}}} |{{{Surname8}}}{{
                            |, {{{Given8}}}
                            |, {{{Given8}}}
                         |;  et al.
    | ({{{Date}}}){{
    | [{{{YearNote}}}]
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
         |{{#if:| & |; }}
          |[[{{{Editorlink2}}} |{{{EditorSurname2}}}{{
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |{{#if:| & |; }}
             |[[{{{Editorlink3}}} |{{{EditorSurname3}}}{{
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:,|.||.}}{{
       | ({{{Date}}}){{
      | [{{{YearNote}}}]


  }}{{#if:||"}}{{#if: {{
 | [{{
        }} {{
       |{{#if: | }}[{{{TransTitle}}}]}}
 | {{
       |{{#if: | }}[{{{TransTitle}}}]}}

}}{{#if:||"}} }}{{

    #ifeq:  | 
       |, written at {{{Place}}}


    |, {{
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
           |{{#if:| & |; }}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |{{#if:| & |; }}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
       |, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:,|.||.}}


    |, }}{{
    |"{{#if: {{
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid={{{PMC}}}
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid={{{PMC}}}
 | [{{
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid={{{PMC}}}
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid={{{PMC}}}
           }} {{{Title}}}{{
       |{{#if: | }}[{{{TransTitle}}}]}}] 
 | {{{Title}}}{{
       |{{#if: | }}[{{{TransTitle}}}]}} 


       |, {{{TitleNote}}}


  |  (in {{{language}}})
  | ({{{format}}})
  #if: |{{
      #if:|, }}{{{Periodical}}}{{
    |, {{{Series}}}
       | ({{{PublicationPlace}}}: {{{Publisher}}})
       | ({{{PublicationPlace}}})
       | ({{{Publisher}}})
    | {{{Volume}}}{{
       | ({{{Issue}}})
       | ({{{Issue}}})
    |:  {{{At}}}
       |, | 
       |, {{{Series}}}
       |, {{{Volume}}}
       | ({{{Edition}}} ed.)
       |, {{{PublicationPlace}}}
        }} {{{Publisher}}}
    |, {{{Date}}}{{
    | [{{{YearNote}}}]


    #ifeq:  | 
          |, {{{PublicationDate}}}
          | (published {{{PublicationDate}}})
          |, {{{PublicationDate}}}
          | (published {{{PublicationDate}}})


    |, {{{At}}}


  1. if:
 |, doi:{{#if:  
    | {{{DOI}}} (inactive ) {{#ifeq: Template |  | [[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |  }}]] }}
    | {{{DOI}}}


 |, {{{ID}}}


 |, ISBN {{{ISBN}}}


 |, ISSN {{{ISSN}}}


 |, OCLC {{{OCLC}}}


 |, PMID {{{PMID}}} 


    |, PMC: {{{PMC}}}


 |, Bibcode{{{Bibcode}}}


 |, {{{Archive}}}
   |, {{#ifeq:{{{Sep}}}|.|A|a}}rchived from {{#if: {{{OriginalURL}}} 
 | [{{{OriginalURL}}} the original] 
 | the original 


     | on {{{ArchiveDate}}}
     |. Template:Citation error 
   |{{#if:|, {{#ifeq:{{{Sep}}}|.|A|a}}rchived on {{{ArchiveDate}}}; Template:Citation error}}


    |, {{
    |, {{
    | {{#ifeq:,|,|, r|. R}}etrieved on {{{AccessDate}}}


 |, [{{{laysummary}}} Lay summary]{{#if: | – {{{laysource}}}}}


 |  ({{{laydate}}})


 |,  "{{{quote}}}"
