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Web Robots

A Standard for Robot Exclusion Table of contents:

   * Status of this document
   * Introduction
   * Method
   * Format
   * Examples
   * Example Code
   * Author's Address 

Status of this document This document represents a consensus on 30 June 1994 on the robots mailing list (robots-request@nexor.co.uk), between the majority of robot authors and other people with an interest in robots. It has also been open for discussion on the Technical World Wide Web mailing list (www-talk@info.cern.ch). This document is based on a previous working draft under the same title.

It is not an official standard backed by a standards body, or owned by any commercial organisation. It is not enforced by anybody, and there no guarantee that all current and future robots will use it. Consider it a common facility the majority of robot authors offer the WWW community to protect WWW server against unwanted accesses by their robots.

The latest version of this document can be found on http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/robots.html. Introduction WWW Robots (also called wanderers or spiders) are programs that traverse many pages in the World Wide Web by recursively retrieving linked pages. For more information see the robots page.

In 1993 and 1994 there have been occasions where robots have visited WWW servers where they weren't welcome for various reasons. Sometimes these reasons were robot specific, e.g. certain robots swamped servers with rapid-fire requests, or retrieved the same files repeatedly. In other situations robots traversed parts of WWW servers that weren't suitable, e.g. very deep virtual trees, duplicated information, temporary information, or cgi-scripts with side-effects (such as voting).

These incidents indicated the need for established mechanisms for WWW servers to indicate to robots which parts of their server should not be accessed. This standard addresses this need with an operational solution. The Method The method used to exclude robots from a server is to create a file on the server which specifies an access policy for robots. This file must be accessible via HTTP on the local URL "/robots.txt". The contents of this file are specified below.

This approach was chosen because it can be easily implemented on any existing WWW server, and a robot can find the access policy with only a single document retrieval.

A possible drawback of this single-file approach is that only a server administrator can maintain such a list, not the individual document maintainers on the server. This can be resolved by a local process to construct the single file from a number of others, but if, or how, this is done is outside of the scope of this document.

The choice of the URL was motivated by several criteria:

   * The filename should fit in file naming restrictions of all common operating systems.
   * The filename extension should not require extra server configuration.
   * The filename should indicate the purpose of the file and be easy to remember.
   * The likelihood of a clash with existing files should be minimal. 

The Format The format and semantics of the "/robots.txt" file are as follows:

The file consists of one or more records separated by one or more blank lines (terminated by CR,CR/NL, or NL). Each record contains lines of the form "<field>:<optionalspace><value><optionalspace>". The field name is case insensitive.

Comments can be included in file using UNIX bourne shell conventions: the '#' character is used to indicate that preceding space (if any) and the remainder of the line up to the line termination is discarded. Lines containing only a comment are discarded completely, and therefore do not indicate a record boundary.

The record starts with one or more User-agent lines, followed by one or more Disallow lines, as detailed below. Unrecognised headers are ignored.

User-agent The value of this field is the name of the robot the record is describing access policy for.

If more than one User-agent field is present the record describes an identical access policy for more than one robot. At least one field needs to be present per record.

The robot should be liberal in interpreting this field. A case insensitive substring match of the name without version information is recommended.

If the value is '*', the record describes the default access policy for any robot that has not matched any of the other records. It is not allowed to have multiple such records in the "/robots.txt" file. Disallow

The value of this field specifies a partial URL that is not to be visited. This can be a full path, or a partial path; any URL that starts with this value will not be retrieved. For example, Disallow: /help disallows both /help.html and /help/index.html, whereas Disallow: /help/ would disallow /help/index.html but allow /help.html.

Any empty value, indicates that all URLs can be retrieved. At least one Disallow field needs to be present in a record.

The presence of an empty "/robots.txt" file has no explicit associated semantics, it will be treated as if it was not present, i.e. all robots will consider themselves welcome. Examples The following example "/robots.txt" file specifies that no robots should visit any URL starting with "/cyberworld/map/" or "/tmp/", or /foo.html:

  1. robots.txt for http://www.example.com/

User-agent: * Disallow: /cyberworld/map/ # This is an infinite virtual URL space Disallow: /tmp/ # these will soon disappear Disallow: /foo.html

This example "/robots.txt" file specifies that no robots should visit any URL starting with "/cyberworld/map/", except the robot called "cybermapper":

  1. robots.txt for http://www.example.com/

User-agent: * Disallow: /cyberworld/map/ # This is an infinite virtual URL space

  1. Cybermapper knows where to go.

User-agent: cybermapper Disallow:

This example indicates that no robots should visit this site further:

  1. go away

User-agent: * Disallow: /

Example Code Although it is not part of this specification, some example code in Perl is available in norobots.pl. It is a bit more flexible in its parsing than this document specificies, and is provided as-is, without warranty.

Note: This code is no longer available. Instead I recommend using the robots exclusion code in the Perl libwww-perl5 library, available from CPAN in the LWP directory.

About /robots.txt

In a nutshell

Web site owners use the /robots.txt file to give instructions about their site to web robots; this is called The Robots Exclusion Protocol.

It works likes this: a robot wants to vists a Web site URL, say http://www.example.com/welcome.html. Before it does so, it firsts checks for http://www.example.com/robots.txt, and finds:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

The "User-agent: *" means this section applies to all robots. The "Disallow: /" tells the robot that it should not visit any pages on the site.

There are two important considerations when using /robots.txt:

  • robots can ignore your /robots.txt. Especially malware robots that scan the web for security vulnerabilities, and email address harvesters used by spammers will pay no attention.
  • the /robots.txt file is a publicly available file. Anyone can see what sections of your server you don't want robots to use.

So don't try to use /robots.txt to hide information.

See also:

  • <a href="faq/blockjustbad.html">Can I block just bad robots?</a>
  • <a href="faq/ignore.html">Why did this robot ignore my /robots.txt?</a>
  • <a href="faq/nosecurity.html">What are the security implications of /robots.txt?</a>

The details

The /robots.txt is a de-facto standard, and is not owned by any standards body. There are two historical descriptions:

  • the original 1994 <a href="orig.html">A Standard for Robot Exclusion</a> document.
  • a 1997 Internet Draft specification <a href="norobots-rfc.txt">A Method for Web Robots Control</a>

In addition there are external resources:

The /robots.txt standard is not actively developed. See <a href="faq/future.html">What about further development of /robots.txt?</a> for more discussion.

The rest of this page gives an overview of how to use /robots.txt on your server, with some simple recipes. To learn more see also the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.

How to create a /robots.txt file

Where to put it

The short answer: in the top-level directory of your web server.

The longer answer:

When a robot looks for the "/robots.txt" file for URL, it strips the path component from the URL (everything from the first single slash), and puts "/robots.txt" in its place.

For example, for "http://www.example.com/shop/index.html, it will remove the "/shop/index.html", and replace it with "/robots.txt", and will end up with "http://www.example.com/robots.txt".

So, as a web site owner you need to put it in the right place on your web server for that resulting URL to work. Usually that is the same place where you put your web site's main "index.html" welcome page. Where exactly that is, and how to put the file there, depends on your web server software.

Remember to use all lower case for the filename: "robots.txt", not "Robots.TXT.

See also:

  • <a href="faq/editor.html">What program should I use to create /robots.txt?</a>
  • <a href="faq/virtual.html">How do I use /robots.txt on a virtual host?</a>
  • <a href="faq/shared.html">How do I use /robots.txt on a shared host?</a>

What to put in it

The "/robots.txt" file is a text file, with one or more records. Usually contains a single record looking like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /~joe/

In this example, three directories are excluded.

Note that you need a separate "Disallow" line for every URL prefix you want to exclude -- you cannot say "Disallow: /cgi-bin/ /tmp/" on a single line. Also, you may not have blank lines in a record, as they are used to delimit multiple records.

Note also that globbing and regular expression are not supported in either the User-agent or Disallow lines. The '*' in the User-agent field is a special value meaning "any robot". Specifically, you cannot have lines like "User-agent: *bot*", "Disallow: /tmp/*" or "Disallow: *.gif".

What you want to exclude depends on your server. Everything not explicitly disallowed is considered fair game to retrieve. Here follow some examples:

To exclude all robots from the entire server
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

To allow all robots complete access
User-agent: *

(or just create an empty "/robots.txt" file, or don't use one at all)

To exclude all robots from part of the server
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /junk/
To exclude a single robot
User-agent: BadBot
Disallow: /
To allow a single robot
User-agent: Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
To exclude all files except one

This is currently a bit awkward, as there is no "Allow" field. The easy way is to put all files to be disallowed into a separate directory, say "stuff", and leave the one file in the level above this directory:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /~joe/stuff/

Alternatively you can explicitly disallow all disallowed pages:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /~joe/junk.html
Disallow: /~joe/foo.html
Disallow: /~joe/bar.html